This chapter shows the first theories concerned with the language, the principles theories are mincemeat how language is learned, how language is structured...etc
As Edward Anthony says the approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching learning. The approach is the level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified.
Theory of language
There are 3 views of language, the first is the most traditional "Structural View" , is more structured and follow a system of rules, that are defined in terms of phonological units, grammatical units and lexical items. The Second view of language is the "Functional View", this theory emphasizes the semantic and communicative dimension and include not only elements of grammar and Lexis but also specify the topic, notions and concepts the learner needs to communicate about. The third view of language "Interactional View", the view that language is a vehicle of social interaction and transactions. This theory focus on the patterns of moves, acts, negotiation, and interaction found in conversational exchanges.
Key word
1. Process- oriented: Habit, induction, inference, hypothesis, generalization.
2. Condition-oriented: Nature of human, physical context (the students are individual person and don't learn in the same way)
Theory of language learning
* Krashen (1981)
*Terrel (1977)
*Curran (1972)
*Asher (1977)
*Gattegno (1972,1976)
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